06 May 2015 10:08:50
11 out so probably as many or more coming in?
I know it's a bit of a trial to post at mo but please stick at it and share any genuine news that you hear re signings.
Sure we all in same boat and itching to hear news.

1.) 07 May 2015
07 May 2015 02:44:07
I think a lot of people got fed up trying to post and have up so it may be a while before they have a look now and find it's sorted, can't really blame anyone must admit I stoped even looking for a while after the update and all the problems with freezing and writing posts to find that you couldn't submit but it's better now. On the improvements apparently even the executive boxs are being updated and the boiler system for the under pitch heating so Mr Chansiri is really spending the dosh!